Friday 21 August 2009


Get an A grade at A level: check

A IN DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, I was so beyond pleased and utterly shocked that I cried! Completely unexpected after what happened last year... I tried to take a photo of the grade for it to be evidence, but my camera wouldn't zoom in that close, so I guess I'll just end up framing it instead! Sounds silly, but if you knew how much i wanted and needed this, you'd understand.
So: Woo.

The rest of my results were also pretty pleasing. Obviously they weren't Oxbridge standard but who gives a jnngusaig. I got a B in psychology (again very shocking, and a tad bit annoying because I was hoping to drop the subject), a C in History (one mark-ONE MARK-off a B!), and a C in English ( disappointing, but it won't hinder me in my quest to produce a best-seller never fear!).
Oh, and I failed General Studies. Shame...

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