Monday, 28 December 2009

80... 79...

Learn to make an awesome roast dinner: check

So 'awesome' may be a slight stretch of the truth. My brother and I decided that it would be fun to make the Christmas dinner this year- turkey and all... Turns out we saved the poor thing just in time from literally tasting of charcoal! Still, I can only get better, right??


Make a Christmas decoration: check

A photo will shortly follow this announcement, seeing as my artistic efforts are truly laughable...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Sunday, 13 December 2009


Stay in bed for a whole day: check

Again, happened by accident. Got hammered Monday: reduced to a dark, painful slumber Tuesday. Good times...

Just an update of things I am currently working on:

  • I'm still writing, of course,
  • Reading the second installment of the LOTR series,
  • Making a Christmas decoration,
  • Working on a ONE THOUSAND piece Edward Cullen puzzle,
  • Getting better at guitar hero!

Sunday, 6 December 2009


Write a poem: check

I contributed to writing one for our final drama performance. The theme is depression, suicide, etc...

There was once an old spinster named Brenda Mcfee,
who sat on her arse all day drinking tea.
The stains on her teeth and her long fluffy hair,
made her confidence sink right down to despair.
It's a sad story, she was left at the alter you see,
now the only man she talks to is from Asda's home delivery,
but she still writes to all her friends from school
about her fake 'family' and how they're so cool!
Now today is the day that she's had enough;
she's turned to the fags, the booze- all that stuff.
She puts on her lippy and combs through that hair,
then SMASHES her face into that old wooden chair!
She's dead on the floor, her soul has expired.
Not to mention her face that has gruesomely retired.

Pleasant... I know.